AZ-NORML held our lobby day on February 2, in conjunction with a planned House committee hearing on a positive medical marijuana bill, HB2313, but the bill was pulled from the calendar and ALL our scheduled appointments were cancelled due to an extended House vote. HB2313 would create a study committee to review the AMMA, AZ’s medical marijuana program. Among the proposals were lowering patient costs and requiring testing. The bill has not been rescheduled yet.

A sister version of this bill has been filed in the senate, SB1511, by Sen Juan Mendez (D-LD26). Assigned to 2 committees with no hearings scheduled yet, it had a second reading Feb. 2.

HB2029, a bill to restrict rural dispensaries from moving, did pass through committee, but has not been scheduled for a House vote. The AZ medical industry opposes this bill because the right to relocate was written into the original language creating the medical program. Many rural dispensaries set up operations with the 3rd year relocation in their business model. In essence the state is reneging on their contract. Bill sponsor, Vince Leach (R-LD11) stated he hopes to prevent rural businesses from vacating their areas to keep rural patients from regaining their cultivation rights. AZ-NORML testified against this bill at hearing.AZ-NORML is calling for a national NORML action alert to ask Arizonans to contact their legislature to oppose this bill.

Currently NORML is supporting Arizona reform with an action alert for Rep. Mark Cardenas’ decriminalization bill,HB2002. But that bill has not moved forward since being assigned to committee early in the session.

A new bill has been filed to extend patient certifications from 1 to 5yrs, essentially lowering patient costs and reducing the number of patients risking arrest when their cards expire. Rep Pamela Powers-Hannley’s HB2400 attracted 8 co-sponsors and is supported by both patients and the industry.

Lastly, HB1045, a senate bill creating a legal hemp agricultural program filed by Sen Sonny Borrelli (R-LD5) has undergone extensive changes and been refiled as SB1337. Currently assigned to 3 committees, the bill had a second reading Feb. 1. The sponsor says to expect it to get a hearing in the Commerce Committee soon. Borrelli’s revision includes a regulatory outline substantially developed from Kentucky  hemp program. Sen. Lisa Otondo (D-LD4) is providing bi-partisan support.

–Mikel Weisser; State Director of the Arizona State Chapter of NORML