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Without your donations, we are powerless against those who still maintain upholding ineffective, unjust and unnecessary laws. Even in Phoenix Cannabis is attacked both for its medical usage and its general usage by patients. A contribution to Arizona NORML will help us educate our communities about the benefits of legalization, regulation, and taxation of marijuana. Benefits already being witnessed in Colorado, Washington, and California.
OR, make check payable to:
Arizona NORML
2001 E Orange St
Tempe, AZ 85281
Your donations are added to our fully transparent assets account for distribution into three general categories. Marketing costs, event fees, & administration expenditures. In short, they serve as the life blood to our mission and ensure our ability to wage the war against marijuana prohibition.
Don’t just cheer us on. Get involved. Your gifts are the most effective, desired, and easy way to help enact change. It takes only a few seconds and you’re free to give any amount you wish. Thanks for your support!

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