Barnett is a business owner who is running for the first time for the Congressional seat in District 7.  Barnett was unable to respond to our survey but our research was able to find quotes and statements attributable to Barnett relative to marijuana.  Here are those quotes and statements: 

  •  “I’ve read many studies on this and, yes, medical marijuana is a much safer alternative to most opioids, etc.”
  •  “I find it funny how people pick & choose what’s healthy according to their views. The alcoholic telling the fit, healthy person they shouldn’t drink diet soda because of the aspartame. The cigarette smoker tells the marijuana smoker it’s bad for them. People will justify anything”
  •   Criticized Kamala Harris for throwing “thousand[s] of black men in jail for marijuana”
  •   “I support medical marijuana…”
  •   “I have never condoned the use of rec marijuana outside of Medical use. Cigarettes, fast food and alcohol kill more”
  •   The “major problem I have with” legalization is an increasing number of stoned drivers, “Along with the high potency stuff like ‘shatter'”

Lastly, Barnett was neutral in the ivoterguide relative to his support for the legalization of recreational marijuana.  Despite that, Barnett seems to have some legitimate ideas about medical marijuana that we will work for us!