So far this year, the top 20 Political Action Committees have raised more than $12 million for candidates running for elected office.
It’s time for elected officials and candidates to recognize that marijuana law reform is a priority for voters. Four states and the District of Columbia have LEGALIZED the personal use of marijuana, 23 states have LEGALIZED medical marijuana programs, and we’ve seen an increase in the number of local municipalities opting to DECRIMINALIZE the possession of small amounts of marijuana. When will politicians and candidates recognize that campaigning in favor of reforming America’s archaic and failed marijuana laws is smart politics? When we, the cannabis community, puts sufficient pressure on them to do so.
We all know money talks. And with other PACs routinely raising millions of dollars to donate to and endorse candidates, the NORML PAC needs to become more influential. But we can’t do so without your support!
Make a donation to the NORML PAC today and you’ll be helping to elect and re-elect candidates that recognize the benefits of marijuana legalization. Recipients of a NORML PAC donation and endorsement speak out publicly for policy changes that benefit the millions of Americans who choose to enjoy cannabis responsibly. Help us support those candidates that will push marijuana law reform to the forefront of politics.
Back the PAC today! For a limited time, those of you who respond with a donation of $100 or more will receive a NORML & Rick Steves Travel Hemp Backpack. These unique backpacks are made available by Rick in support of NORML’s longstanding law reform efforts and are only available from NORML.
This premium will only last for one week so be sure to make your $100 donation as soon as possible before the backpacks run out! Any …read more
Source:: Weed Feed
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