Drone Delivery of Drugs to Ohio Prison Sparks Fight

An unexpected drone delivery (at least by some) at Ohio’s Mansfield Correctional Institution last week was carrying over two ounces a weed, more than six grams of heroin and a fistful of tobacco.

Drone Delivery of Drugs to Ohio Prison Sparks Fight

Unfortunately for the intended recipient, the attempted contraband delivery was an utter failure that initiated a fight and ended in some rather invasive strip searches for all.

According to online reports, “The package dropped contained 144.5 grams of tobacco, 65.4 grams of marijuana, and 6.6 grams of heroin.”

Per the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections, the July 27 flight was preceded by a fight on the prison’s recreation yard, causing corrections officers to call for backup in an attempt to restore order and help put down the inmate brawl. After scrutinizing the video surveillance, officials determined that prior to the delivery drone coming over the prison’s fence, inmates began to fight as a distraction. Once the package was retrieved, the contraband was then thrown over the fence to the south recreation yard.

The inmates that were out on the recreation yard at the time were taken the prison’s gym, where all were strip-searched, x-rayed, and subjected to a rather intrusive cavity inspection.

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Source:: Weed Feed