After suffering a narrow defeat in their attempt to legalize medical marijuana in 2014, the verbiage for Florida’s initiative to legalize recreational marijuana has been OK’d and has now qualified for the 2016 general election.

Sparking hope around the Sunshine State, the Regulate Florida initiative has been given the proverbial green-light from the States political heavyweights. Providing supporters of marijuana legalization the legal cover they need to begin collecting valid signatures from Florida’s constituents, and thereby qualifying for next year’s presidential election.

Learn more about Florida’s recent marijuana news

If passed, the Florida Cannabis Act initiative would make it perfectly legal for adults over the age of 21 to possess, use, display, purchase, or transport up to one ounce of weed. Additionally, those agriculturally inclined Floridians would also be allowed to grow up to six mature marijuana plants. Furthermore, should the 2016 initiative pass, it would fire up a system of state-licensed dispensaries.

With nearly 20,000,000 people currently calling Florida home, the Florida Cannabis Act only needs to gather approximately 700,000 signatures from valid voters to make the November 2016 ballot.

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Source:: Weed Feed