Saturday was a good day for veterans in Denver Colorado. In protest to the State Board of Health’s recent decision, denying PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) as a qualifying condition, Hundreds of American heroes queued up in a long and twisted line to receive their free medical marijuana products.
“We’re tired of waiting around for the government to do something to help veterans.” ~ Roger Martin
The Free Marijuana event for Vets with PTSD was cultivated in response to the July 15 vote to disallow post-traumatic-stress disorder as a qualifying medical condition; one that sparked an innovative protest strategy from the founders of Operation Grow for Vets – Todd Mitchell and Roger Martin.
“We’re tired of waiting around for the government to do something to help veterans,” Martin noted. “We’re losing over 50 American heroes every single day as a result of prescription drug overdose or suicide, and the VA’s position up until this point has pretty much been let’s just keep them in a drug stupor.”
Related Stories: PTSD and Marijuana
This free-pot protest was fired up when the Colorado Board of Health voted down the inclusion of PTSD as a treatable condition within the state of Colorado’s medical marijuana program. Proving that there’s always one rotten apple (read: unenlightened person) in any given bunch, one member who voted against PTSD as a qualifying condition cited a lack of research between marijuana’s medicinal cannabinoids and PTSD.
(Photo Courtesy: CBSDenver )
Source:: Weed Feed
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