After receiving over 400,000 signatures on a petition, and Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon had a sentencing epiphany, Jeff Mizanskey will be set FREE.

Mr. Mizanskey, the 61-year-old Missouri man who has spent the last 21 years of his life in prison, after being sentenced to life for marijuana offenses, will finally be set free in just a few short days.

According to his attorney, Dan Viets, who spoke with the Huffington Post, “We were notified today that he will be granted parole and be released within ’10 to 25 days.” Mizanskey had met with the Missouri Department of Corrections’ parole board just last Thursday.

After spending more than 20 years behind bars, Mr. Mizanskey finally qualified for his long-overdue parole this spring when Missouri’s Gov. Jay Nixon commuted his life sentence.

Until last May, being paroled was little more than a pipe dream for Mizanskey, thanks to the outdated three strikes sentencing mandate. Originally, Jeff was sentenced as a “prior and persistent drug offender” under Missouri’s three strikes law, which was thankfully rescinded last year.

All three of Mizanskey’s nonviolent offenses involved the possession of cannabis. His life was turned upside down after receiving a life sentence for attempting to sell nearly six pounds of weed during a 1993 police sting.

According to the Free Jeff Mizanskey Facebook page, he was both appreciative and overwhelmed by the public support. “We want everyone to know how grateful we are for all the support received throughout this whole ordeal.”

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Source:: Weed Feed