By Matt Ferner

A nearly hourlong police cruiser dashcam video released by the Texas Department of Public Safety on Tuesday begins with Texas State Trooper Brian Encinia conducting what looks to be a routine traffic stop of a vehicle driven 28-year-old Sandra Bland.

Encinia cites Bland for failing to signal a lane change, asks for her license and registration and walks back to his cruiser. Encinia returns about five minutes later with a citation — which he later reveals to be a written warning. Encinia notes Bland’s apparent irritation, which prompts Bland to explain that she is indeed frustrated because she feels she was unfairly pulled over.

Encinia then asks her to put out her cigarette. When Bland declines his request, the encounter quickly spirals out of control. Encinia orders Bland to exit the vehicle, eventually drawing his Taser and telling her, “I will light you up.” The July 10 incident ends with Encinia placing Bland under arrest shortly after throwing her to the ground. At some point in the tussle, she allegedly kicked Encinia — an “assault,” he later claimed. Three days later, Bland was found dead at the Waller County jail, where authorities say she hanged herself. Her family contends that she was killed by someone in the jail.

Texas DPS Director Steven McCraw said the department “has been working closely” with Bland’s family during an investigation into the incident. “When the Texas Rangers and FBI investigation is complete, it will be turned over for review by the District Attorney, who has indicated it will also be brought before a grand jury,” McCraw said in a statement when the video was released.

The Internet is buzzing with explanations about how, exactly, this situation got out of hand. Was it Bland’s fault, or Encinia’s — or do they both share in the blame? Should …read more

Source:: Weed Feed