By Matt Ferner

Larry Harvey, a Washington state medical marijuana patient who had faced 10 years in prison in a high-profile federal pot case, died Thursday at age 71, a family spokeswoman said. 

Harvey succumbed to pancreatic cancer in Colville, Washington, Kari Boiter, a medical marijuana activist and spokeswoman for the family, told HuffPost.

Federal prosecutors dropped all charges against Harvey six months ago in the medical marijuana case because of his terminal cancer diagnosis. The case also included three members of Harvey’s family and a family friend. All were certified medical marijuana patients who grew marijuana near their home for personal medical use.

The family issued this statement on Harvey’s death:

Larry will be remembered as a fighter until the bitter end. He fearlessly confronted the federal government head on and beat the Department of Justice, against all odds. In a so-called justice system where less than two-percent of defendants walk free, Larry was able to leave the federal courthouse with his head held high after the U.S. Attorney dropped all charges against him. Larry’s triumph was made all the more satisfying when the Feds were forced to return his beloved motorcycle, confiscated in the 2012 raid of Larry’s family home.


Though cancer ultimately took Larry from us far too soon, his final months on Earth were spent creating cherished memories with loved ones near and far. With terms of federal probation fully lifted, Larry took full advantage of traveling freely once again. The weeks prior to his death were spent with family in Yakutat, Alaska, and earlier this summer, Larry was able to visit his mother in Sumas, Washington and go camping at Mudget Lake, one of his favorite spots. And he never missed the chance to take his motorcycle out for a spin.


Larry will be greatly missed by …read more

Source:: Weed Feed