During today’s National Conference of State Legislatures annual meeting, politicians from around the country were coming down on the side of medical marijuana, calling on the feds to update the Controlled Substance Act (CSA), thereby allowing states to legally determine their own legislative path for both marijuana and hemp regulation.

That’s right folks’, according to the Washington Post, political hacks and heroes alike worked together on passing a common sense resolution at its yearly get-together, asking the federal government and any future administration to back off state marijuana issues.

As Karen O’Keefe, the director of the Marijuana Policy Project noted:

“State lawmakers just sent a message to Congress that could not be any clearer. It’s time to end the federal prohibition of marijuana and let the states decide what policies work best for them.”

Traditionally, the passed resolutions from their annual meeting provide a roadmap for the group’s federal activism in the upcoming year – and ordinarily that consensus is not easy to reach. In order to pass, the resolution needed to gather a majority support from three-quarters of the states in attendance.

The forward thinking resolution was cultivated by New Hampshire State Rep. Renny Cushing: Simplistic in its logic, the new resolution argues that with 23 states and the District of Columbia already having passed medical marijuana legislation, plus the four that legalized pot for recreational consumption by those over the age of 21, it’s time for the federal government to pay attention to the 10th amendment and openly recognize and accept those laboratories of democracy.

No doubt, some politicians will disagree on loosening the legislative grip around marijuana’s throat, but most will agree on one thing for certain, “states and localities should be …read more

Source:: Weed Feed