Toni Anderson considers herself a medical refugee. She and her husband are packing their bags and leaving Texas for a chance to smoke medical marijuana.
“My main goal is to get out of El Paso because I want to live,” Anderson said.
Anderson has stage three cervical cancer. She has gone through chemotherapy and radiation, spending months on end in the hospital. She tried CBD oils while on chemotherapy and said there is a noticeable difference.
“Chemo that was a doozy for me but the radiation is what really got me,” Anderson said. “I cannot see how people do it without it. I’m in all honesty if I didn’t have it when I was doing the chemo I would not have made it.”
Anderson said not only did the oil make her feel better, she also got her appetite back and saw the cancerous tumor decrease in size.
“The doctors are all floored,” she said.
However, each time she used the oil, Anderson was breaking the law. She stopped, fearing she would be prosecuted by police.
“I don’t think it’s fair that I should have to feel like a criminal,” Anderson said.
Her husband Colt DeMorris founded the El Paso chapter of NORML or the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.
“I started it because I watched my mom go through cancer, my grandfather and now my wife,” he said.
DeMorris is on a mission to educate the public and lawmakers about the benefits of medical marijuana.
“I watched what chemo did to my mom and I watched her chemo and radiation my wife has been through and there’s a safer alternative to combat things like cancer,” he said. “I’m very angry now because I have to sit here and now we have to try to move to save her life.”
DeMorris has reached out to state representatives like Joe …read more
Source:: Weed Feed
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