By Matt Ferner

On Thursday, as mystery and controversy continued to surround the death of Sandra Bland, officials wanted to make one thing clear: The 28-year-old had marijuana in her system at the time of her death.

At a news conference discussing the preliminary findings of an autopsy following Bland’s alleged suicide at the Waller County Jail in Texas last week, much of the attention was focused on a question that not many people, aside from authorities and a few members of the media, actually seemed to be asking.

“At this particular time, I have not seen any evidence that indicates this was a homicide,” said Warren Diepraam, a Waller County assistant district attorney, referring to a conclusion made by investigators that Bland’s injuries were consistent with a death by suicide.

But Diepraam was more confident about another detail of the autopsy.

“I can say she tested positive for marijuana,” he added.

At different points in the day, officials offered pretty much every possible explanation for Bland’s marijuana use. They said that Bland had smoked or swallowed an undetermined amount of weed, sometime either before or after her arrest, and perhaps while she was in jail. Maybe she smuggled it into the facility, one official reportedly suggested. We were left with more questions than answers. Maybe Bland was ingesting marijuana while she was being slammed to the ground during her arrest, too?

Of course, none of these possibilities should really matter. Marijuana use is incredibly common, says nothing about why Bland was mistreated during her traffic stop and subsequent arrest, and likely tells us very little, if anything, about why she ended up dead three days later. For officials to repeatedly highlight this issue seems like little more than a cheap …read more

Source:: Weed Feed