The prohibitionist stereotype that has perpetuated the lazy, inactive, unenergetic stoner is slowly disintegrating. From modern-day champions like Michael Phelps and Randy Moss, to growing support for medical marijuana from players and former players of the NFL, it turns out that marijuana-use and athletics are not diametrically opposed activities. Indeed, more and more people are looking to utilize marijuana while maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which includes everything in moderation, except sweat!
The 420 Games is a multi-state event series (currently in California, Oregon, Colorado, and Washington) that is forging a new outlook on cannabis. Having already stopped at San Jose this year, this August 15th the 420 Games will be coming to San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park for its “4.20 Mile Fun Run.” Giving new meaning to “going the extra mile”, this event adds a mile to a traditional 5K course to make it a truly 420 themed event. Runners who are looking for an even more cannabis-fueled challenge can tackle the optional 10K run here too.
Aside from the run, here’s what else you can look forward to at the event on August 15, 2015, from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm at Golden Gate Park:
At the finish line, all competitors will be treated to TWO HOURS of included beer tasting from Petaluma, CA based Lagunitas Brewing.
There will be a two hour concert from international Reggae superstar Pato Banton.
Everyone that runs the race will also get an awesome shirt with the 420 Games logo to support the cause.
While the event is timed, participants are welcome to both run or walk the course.
Buy tickets to the 420 Games here!
With good people, good music, good beer, and good medicine on hand, if you’re in the Bay Area the weekend after next, come join us for a fantastic Four-Twenty Games! To register …read more
Source:: Weed Feed
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