CBD Explained

While the stress reducing nature of the marijuana plant has been considered a medicinal herb for generations – though unfortunately maligned by politicians and the press – it’s non-psychoactive CBD cannabinoid has recently received some seriously positive coverage in the 24-hour news cycle.

Currently, the general consensus within the medical profession is that CBD could ultimately prove to be a highly therapeutic compound, and one that will spark an uprising for medical marijuana around the globe.

CBD Explained

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As the scientific understanding of marijuana’s cannabinoids slowly emerges from the dark ages of condemnation, thanks to the likes of Dr. Sanjay Gupta and the new US Surgeon General. Its acceptance by society at large, as a truly medicinal herb, is beginning to take root within the medical profession. Countless studies with supporting evidence have established CBD’s ability to mitigate an assortment of perplexing illnesses. Helping those who suffer with PTSD, epilepsy, cancer, chronic pain, anxiety disorders, and host of other conditions.

Obviously, not all strains of marijuana are high in the CBD cannabinoid; as a matter of fact, many strains have a very small percentage of the beneficial compound. Fortunately for today’s medical marijuana patients, the following seven hybrids have been specifically bred to contain reduced amounts of THC and an elevated percentage of CBD.

While there are countless strains with elevated CBD percentages – the following seven are just a handful within the hybrid category.

7 Hybrid Strains High In CBD Cannabinoids

7 Hybrid CBD Strains

Zen: Representing a hybrid mix between a Mexican Sativa and Afghani, this calming Lavender cross features an aromatic blend of earth tones and sour berries. The Zen strain is perfect for those who …read more

Source:: Weed Feed