First and foremost, we at Arizona NORML all hope all of you are keeping smart, keeping safe, medicating as necessary and contacting health professionals with any concerns that arise as we wait for the Covid Crisis to pass.
(Though please rest assured, AZ-NORML may be physically social distancing, but we have been far from idle.)
Next, in addition to showing much love for the more than 300 viewers who caught the live production on our Facebook page, Arizona NORML wants to thank the dozens of people who came together to produce our “virtual” April meeting, Tuesday April 7th. In addition to our production staff of myself, communications director, Ryan Wilson and Jenny Sadler of Plant Powered Solutions, our multi-part Zoom video production took more than a week to produce, included four guest videos, 16 title cards and summaries from several recent articles from our website.
View April virtual meeting video on YouTube HERE
Watch for:
- National NORML News Highlights including updates out of California, Maryland and Utah
- Guest video from our friends and good buddies at MITA-AZ (produced by Destinee Blanco).
- Legalization & Legislation Updates: With more than 320,000 signatures in the bag, the Smart and Safe Arizona campaign is virtually assured a place on the November ballot and strategizing for a return to public activity this summer. PLUS a brief legislative review of covid-stalled MMJ bills at the Capitol.
- AZ-NORML Communications Director Ryan Wilson gives you a virtual tour of our brand spanking new Arizona NORML website, debuting 420!
- The Arizona chapter of the American Cannabis Nurses Association sends us an update via their director, Dominique Fontaine.
- “Mr. Dynamo,” Mike Robinette, SOAZ-NORML director gives a lively update on outreach in Southern AZ.
- Mark Steinmetz, owner of AZ Nature’s Medicine explains what his dispensary is doing for patients during the covid crisis.
- Lastly, learn about national NORML covid policies and AZ-NORML’s efforts to protect patients.
Be sure to send any questions or comments to OR call or text our hotline at 928-234-5633. AZ-NORML May meeting Cinco de Mayo (Tuesday, May 5), 7pm on our chapter’s Facebook page. In the meantime, keep smart, keep safe, keep medicated!

Mikel Weisser State Director, Arizona NORML928-234-5633
4490 Sundown DrSo-Hi, AZ
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