People believe that if/when cannabis is legalized; it will be easier for children to have. While it may be easier to get, the responsibility is on the parents. But children have a mind of their own, you need to find that middle ground that shows them you have their best interest at heart. I’m not telling you how to raise your child.
If more people spoke to their children, about cannabis legalization there would be a stronger understanding about cannabis in the community. With the revenue from legalizing, it can help bring money to schools, hospitals and roadwork. An epileptic child has over 200 seizures a day. Marijuana could reduce-even stop seizures. The episodes can go down to 30 episodes a day- at the most. Isn’t this worth learning a little bit about?
Just like anything, this is something you teach your child about. Know the pros and cons of cannabis. Why do people use cannabis? Answer their questions, study up! I feel like people just hide cannabis from children. I have friends who I know their parents hide their own usage of marijuana from their kids. The kids end up doing dangerous things to try to get marijuana. “Just to see how it is. Everyone else is doing it!” The parents end up scaring kids about it and yelling at the children, and never speaking about the situation or cannabis again. Does anyone else see a problem with this?
I think you should be teaching kids about cannabis. Don’t wait for them to find out about it on their own.
Some say, “Marijuana is a much more subtle drug than alcohol. It gets them into the culture of the drug world, which can lead down the path to drug addiction.” The drug dealers that kids get the weed from, will end up selling them worse things. So in a way it is a gateway drug. This is where you show what to do and what not to do.
So…. What should you tell them? Well, “You’re just not ready for it. If you’re tempted to smoke pot, please hold off as long as you possibly can. Your beautiful brain is still developing.”
Explain how, and why. “If a teen introduces the abuse of marijuana at that point in their life, it could have consequences for their ability to problem solve, for their memory and for critical thinking in general. The earlier the drug was taken up, the worse the effects on the brain.”
So show you’re just looking out for their own well being. Sometimes THC (psychoactive-ness) can be too much for somebody and they don’t know how much they are taking and they overdose. It won’t do anything serious, (they won’t get hurt) they will just not be having a fun time like they intended.
Most parents will be very upset to find out their child is using marijuana recreationally. I get that. You’re very protective of your child, you don’t want them hurt. You should also know the “dangers of marijuana” such as how it has been used as medicine for over 10,000 years. How it can help people, maybe you will see why your child is using cannabis. Talk to your kids. Don’t yell because you heard bad things. Study, back up your facts. Show your kid the facts. While will be difficult for an uptight parent, it will show your child you care, without scaring them to have the same views as you. What I am trying to say is, have communication with your teenagers. I think this is so important for a healthy relationship with your child- this applies to all things really. Now again, this is not a parenting lesson. Just my thoughts as a younger human being!
I am sixteen-year-old girl. I know what you might be thinking here, “Oh she uses marijuana and her parents were mad at her or something so she wrote this little article.” Quite the opposite! I have grown up with great knowledge of cannabis all my life, but the thing is I never smoked, nor thought about trying it. I think it’s funny how that works. Or maybe not, my parents educated me on what marijuana is and why people use it. I am not hidden from it, I didn’t find out about it accidentally. I think because of that, I am not curious about using it. Most articles about this subject I have noticed talk about ‘scary terms” So I want to say some things that will help you. I can’t stress enough; know what you’re talking about. Literally just take 10 minutes a day to study about cannabis, the plant’s effects on the body. See if your views change. Don’t go seeking for the negatives.
Other things that you and your child can do consider take cannabis classes together, go to local cannabis meetings, go to a legalization rally together, watch marijuana documentaries. Learn about the community.
Here are just a few pros and cons of cannabis usage.
Pros: Can lower anxiety, help with depression, relieve chronic pain, nausea and vomiting, and stimulates the appetite.
Cons: Sometimes causes short-term paranoia, short-term memory recall, and rapid heartbeat.
So is marijuana ACTUALLY bad for kids? It’s not bad to talk about it. Happy conversing!
Charlie Monrose
Legalization better protects children.
You may have heard the “No Campaign” say. Let’s protect our children by keeping marijuana illegal and a felony!
Truth is under this prohibition our children referring especially to teens are currently criminalized for even possessing the smallest amounts of marijuana something a solid majority (57%) of Americans now say should be legal.
Children will find marijuana legal or not! Just as any adult many kids have found themselves in court convicted on felony charges (as is the case of Jesse Snodgrass of Temecula, CA)
Felony charges are rarely expunged meaning kids like Jesse are then criminalized for life! Many more have lost they’re rights, have been imprisoned, along with lost educational, and job opportunities, these measures are excessively harsh.
Special interest groups like private prisons, and pharmaceutical companies who’d rather your children use they’re drugs or spend time in they’re jails have been obviously funding such policies, and for profit! Are your children any safer behind bars?
Legalization is a better way to protect our children.
Under prop 205 underage possession of marijuana would be a petty offense punishable by up to $300 fine and/or 24 hours community service which is fitting enough punishment for a child vote yes on 205 Arizona.
Prop 205 is all for the adults!
You may have heard the “no campaign” say legalization will lead to more child use of marijuana.
Truth is many adults are seeing right through this line as nothing more than child exploitation.
A political hoax used to scare parents into voting no. It’s a common tactic and it’s worked before. However, many adults can remember what it’s like to be young and experiment with pot, and even those that never tried it know it’s been outlawed for malicious reasons.
Fact is this criminalization of marijuana has ruined more lives than the plant itself, and moreover, in 12,000 years of marijuana cultivation no one, not one, has ever died from inhaling or ingesting this plant.
Proposition 205 does not advocate children use of marijuana as the no campaign would have you believe.
The initiative is for adults, like you, who can decide for yourselves as Americans what you can grow or consume, what can sell or purchase, and no were in this initiative is written that it shall be legal for people under 21.
Prohibition was championed by one Harry J. Anslinger an ambitious racist, and vicious bureaucrat who used the issue of marijuana prohibition to gain a top position of his own in a new federal agency.
The “federal bureau of narcotics”
Later Marijuana was classified as a schedule one dangerous drug by the Nixon administration to demoralized and subvert young people opposed to the Vietnam war, and those he felt were nothing more than out of control hippies, and of course money interests also have had a hand in gaining from this prohibition all along.
Many Americans are becoming wise to this small piece of our history and are disgusted to find out they have been lied to they’re whole lives about this plant.
And it’s no coincidence when politicians want something it’s all for the children, and when they are opposed to the citizenry it’s harmful to children.
Well this is what I mean by child exploitation, and when will public policy be driven by the interest of liberty? and freedom? Or by rights and privacey? You’d think our elected officials would recognize adults as adults. Are we citizens or subjects? Are we children or adults? Why then do they lecture us as children?
When was it ever for our government to decide for adults what we should need or not?
Or what we should want or not?
A strong majority (57%) now support legalization nationwide.
If for any other reason let’s win one for liberty, however you may feel about marijuana, It’s time to permanently end prohibition! Please vote yes on Arizona Prop 205.