February Meeting


Shamrock Kiddos! It’s time for the next Norml Meeting! Come on down and chat with us about current events and network in the industry.

When is it?: Tuesday, March 7th starting at 7pm – 9pm.

Where will it be held?: 11841 N. 19th Ave.

Feb. Meeting



Look for Cannabis Campus and enter the second door on the left side of the building. Special thanks to Herbal Risings for a space for the meeting to be held.



The host of the meeting will be Mikel Weisser State Director of Arizona Norml.

What are the Topics?

1. We’ll be discussing the launch of our new membership program under the management of Budpath, created by the people who brought you Staff MMJ and Herbal RisingsMeeting from February
We need your votes! Help us vote on designs and come talk about the new community outreach program.
2. Hemp Bill house passed!!! Biggest victory Arizona has seen in a long time.
3. We’ll be going over all current House bills in circulation.
4. We’ll be discussing the results of our “lunch and learn” at the Capitol with our friends at the AMMA hosted by Ray Martinez. Big industry meeting bringing the business side and dialogue. “Dress well and come with the intentions to impress” says Mikel Weisser
5. Decrim bill awareness hearing. Please attend to show support for House Rep Mark Cardenas decrim bill.
February's Meeting
Come ready to discuss and we will see you there! 
-Hailee Olshavsky – Teen Correspondent for NORML AZ