For Immediate Release: Take Action Event
Date: 8/17/17—
What: AZ-NORML action at Congressional Town Hall
When: Tuesday Aug 22, 2017 7am (MST)
Where: The Colonnade, 19116 N Colonnade Way, Surprise, AZ 85374
Contact: Mikel Weisser, State Director AZ-NORML
Arizona’s chapter of NORML (the National Organization for Marijuana Laws) is calling on all AZ veterans to rally with them at Congressman Trent Franks upcoming congressional townhall in Surprise on August 22nd. The national organization has joined the Congressional Cannabis Caucus in calling for support for HR 1820, the “Veterans Equal Access Amendment.” The bill which removes the “VA Gag Rule,” allows Veterans’ Administration doctors to discuss cannabis therapy options with patients. In addition to the forced silence, currently veterans who test positive for cannabis use can be denied VA medical services. The bill passed in the Senate, but has stalled in the House.
At their national convention last summer, the American Legion officially endorsed the measure. Arizona is home to a national study of the efficacy of cannabis for vets w PTSD. Congressman Franks (R-CD8), who has an “F” rating from NORML on cannabis issues, has adamantly condemned cannabis in all forms. Last year, Franks was a vocal opponent of Prop205, which would have legalized cannabis use in AZ. In February Franks claimed domestic terrorists are acquiring nuclear weapons from cannabis suppliers.
As part of NORML’s national effort to promote pro-reform legislation, AZ-NORML is inviting Arizona veterans to attend Rep. Franks’ townhall to discuss Franks’ cannabis positions and promote the “Veterans Equal Access Amendment.” NORML will provide handouts on the bill and Trent Franks’ record on cannabis issues. The congressional townhall is open to the public, but starts at 7am, so attendees are encouraged to arrive early.
Please DO NOT bring signs or clothing with slogans. AZ-NORML will provide handouts and hopes to conduct the demonstration in a positive manner.
For further information, contact:
Mikel Weisser, State Director, Arizona NORML
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