Oregon's legal marijuana goes on sale this Thursday -- except in these counties and cities

While a total of 20 cities and counties have already stated they plan on prohibiting recreational marijuana sales starting this Thursday, the rest of Oregon’s pro-pot population are cleaning their bongs, stocking up on rolling papers, and getting ready to purchase some of Oregon’s newest revenue-generating agricultural crop, recreational marijuana.

Currently, just north of 200 medical marijuana dispensaries of Oregon’s 345 have put the OHA (Oregon Health Authority) on notice of their intention to sell recreational marijuana in the Beaver State, igniting legal sales on October 1, 2015 (this Thursday). While some of Oregon’s 345 dispensaries are still struggling to make it through the qualification process, that short-term goal may the least of their worries if they happen to do business in the wrong municipality.

Opting out of common sense and generating a lucrative new tax revenue, the following 20 counties and/or cities have decided to maintain the status quo — marijuana prohibition.

Meanwhile, the rest of Oregon’s populace will be joining Colorado, Washington, and Alaska in telling the federal government to go pound sand over marijuana prohibition. Oregon legalized recreational marijuana consumption when it passed Measure 91 last November. Crushing the prohibitionist’s dreams, Oregonians overwhelmingly passed the ballot initiative that legalized the possession and cultivation of personal quantities of today’s hybrid marijuana. While the consumption of recreational pot became legal on July 1, 2015, the state has lagged behind the demand …read more

Source:: Weed Feed