Hi folks! We are now nearing the end of my fourth month onboard w Arizona NORML as staff and the end of my first month as state director. It has been a crazy month to be sure as we prepare for our part of creating and promoting the biggest cannabis event in the southwest, the Southwest Cannabis Conference and Expo, which begins in 2 days. National NORML and Keith Stroup will be on hand to learn how the organization and the legalization movement as a whole are doing. Hopefully we will shine.

In the meantime when I was first asked to prepare to take the helm in July I was tasked with creating a “90 Day Action Plan” to guide the chapter towards operating as a full-scale non-profit organization with the power to shift policy and public opinion in this critical election cycle. 

Earlier I posted sections of this action plan, but now that the 90 days has already passed, I would like the public to see what the overall direction was supposed to be and guage the progress we have made. I have removed the phrase “90 Day,” since we are well past that already, lol–mikel


AZ-NORML Action Plan


AZ-NORML’s action plan has three main goals:

  • To strengthen AZ-NORML as a statewide respected force, a brand folks know and can count on, to advance legalization and look out for the rights of the pro-cannabis citizenry and the general public on cannabis issues, locally, in-state, and nationally.
  • To create a functioning business structure that will sustain NORML’s activities at a full scale statewide level during the upcoming legalization campaigns and can continue after the election to be a significant presence in AZ marijuana issues through consumer advocacy/protection, public awareness programs and industry support.
  • To improve the discussion of marijuana in AZ at this critical time in reform. AZ-NORML aims to become an active force in challenging AZ prohibitionists, educating the general public on the medical breakthroughs of cannabis and the corruption behind prohibition, and uniting the AZ marijuana reform movement to support legalization in general and overcoming the current state of warring camps which debilitate the movement in general.


1st 30 days:

  • Contact and visit the leadership of all current or dormant NORML chapters in the state & evaluate their potential for revitalization.
  1. Identify and contact previous members
  2. Identify areas needing chapters
  3. Begin recruitment events to re-populate existing chapters or drive the public to create new chapters
  4. Begin recruitment process for volunteer staff, interns, and community service workers
  • Update Web Presence and Develop robust social media presence
  1. Mikel Weisser to take on (share, not take over) administrative duties on FB page and AZ-NORML page at national NORML website
  2. Update all social media outlets on a weekly basis, establish a daily info stream for the FB/Twitter presence
  3. Develop volunteer staff to manage AZNORML social media presence and keep the info stream flowing and pertinent
  • Establish Robust Public Presence for national NORML & AZ-NORML
  1. Create plan for revenue stream to sustain office expenses
  2. Develop a physical office space w an official grand opening
  3. Develop staffing plan for volunteers, interns, and community service workers
  4. Begin online info stream and attending community and campaign events from all legalization efforts
  5. Create two public events to promote NORML

2nd 30 days:

  • Develop plan and begin membership drive statewide
  1. Develop membership committee
  2. Identify a recognizable name to become the leader of this committee
  3. Recruit 10 membership committee members (no more than 5 from Maricopa County)
  4. Set specific membership drive goals for the state and local chapters
  5. Create membership package to attract in-state mmj businesses.
  6. Create a membership package to attract cannabis lawyers to the NORML Legal Group
  7. Begin recruitment events to re-populate existing chapters or drive the public to create new chapters
  • Start development for sustainable/recurring Fundraising program for AZ-NORML to maintain a fulltime office with paid staff
  1. Create recruitment program for individual members who will join national NORML and automatically be registered as AZNORML members
  2. Identify business leaders in the AZ industry to become sustaining donors of AZNORML in addition to paying for national membership
  3. Identify lawyers w a cannabis practice to join NORML Legal Committee to become sustaining donors of AZNORML in addition to paying for national membership
  • Facilitate NORML Presence at SW Cannabis Expo
  1. Develop press list to promote NORML and Keith Stroup guest appearance
  2. Produce press releases for NORML events related to the conference and on general cannabis reform topics for AZ press interviews while national NORML representatives are in town
  3. Provide logistical support to nation NORML contingent while in town
  4. Create a robust presence for AZ-NORML and in-state cannabis reform organizations at expo

3rd 30 days & continuing

  • General Branding of AZ-NORML & National NORML
  1. Create and operate a 10’ X 10’ NORML info booth
  2. Maintain schedule of 2 NORML events per month and develop national NORML fundraiser
  3. Explore possibility of a weekly NORML radio show on KFNX (a popular PHX talk radio station) or other
  4. Maintain info stream including weekly blog
  5. Develop program for marketing national NORML merchandise

By following this action plan AZ-NORML will be started in the right direction. Building onthis plan over the next 12 months, AZ-NORML will fulfill its obligation to be the leading voice in the state for the reform of marijuana laws.

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–Mikel Weisser is the state director of Arizona NORML and writes from the left coast of AZ